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War stats
Battlefield 2
Total wars 119
Won 95 | 79%
Lost 24 | 20%
W/L ratio 4.03
All games
Total wars 281
Won 208 | 74%
Lost 73 | 25%
W/L ratio 2.83

30.04.06eESL0-252Strike at Karkand (16)  
23.04.06rGESL198-0Daqing Oilfields (16)  
19.04.06mbESL137-0Operation Clean Sweep (16)  
17.04.06CoReGA 7306-181Dragon Valley (16)-Sharqi Peninsula (16)
16.04.06SoDGA 775-64Mashtuur City (16)  
16.04.06GTGA 7257-0Gulf of Oman (16)  
16.04.06HostileGA 7352-0Dalian Plant (16)  
16.04.06SoDGA 70-87Strike at Karkand (16)  
16.04.06FTGGA 7382-0Kubra Dam (16)  
15.04.06SOEGA 7361-0FuShe Pass (16)  
15.04.06GTGA 7286-0Zatar Wetlands (16)  
15.04.06TA_CHATTEGA 7373-0Daqing Oilfields (16)  
15.04.06aTbGA 7292-0Dragon Valley (16)  
15.04.06JAGGA 7304-0Sharqi Peninsula (16)  
12.04.06iLLESL279-0Strike at Karkand (16)  
09.04.06RFESL325-0Sharqi Peninsula (16)  
02.04.06SoDESL0-471Mashtuur City (16)  
30.03.06DDDESL266-0Mashtuur City (16)  
25.03.06VoodooESL44-91Mashtuur City (16)  
23.03.06MSCESL559-0Daqing Oilfields (16)  
13.03.06SAMDEB2L547-16Daqing Oilfields (16)-Dragon Valley (16)
12.03.06EXiT11CAL0-157FuShe Pass (16)  
07.03.06SACESL559-0Dragon Valley (16)  
01.03.06aTbESL423-0Dalian Plant (16)  
23.02.06daESL531-0Gulf of Oman (16)  
22.02.06ITAEB2L733-0Songhua Stalemate (16)-Dalian Plant (16)
19.02.06PRGKCAL248-0Zatar Wetlands (16)  
16.02.06CatchEB2L349-191Mashtuur City (16)-Kubra Dam (16)
15.02.06GRCESL483-0Strike at Karkand (16)  
10.02.06JAGATF511-0Strike at Karkand (16)-Kubra Dam (16)
07.02.06BmCESL580-0FuShe Pass (16)  
05.02.06enclaveCAL189-0Zatar Wetlands (16)  
02.02.06GTEB2L428-75Sharqi Peninsula (16)-Gulf of Oman (16)
25.01.06GTCAL184-0FuShe Pass (16)  
23.01.06BTLWT244-0Daqing Oilfields (16)  
16.01.06riZeWT0-21Strike at Karkand (16)  
15.01.06XuffiXCAL57-190Daqing Oilfields (16)-Daqing Oilfields (16)
11.01.06PaFWT389-0Dalian Plant (16)  
11.01.06BioxarESL36-149Operation Clean Sweep (16)  
08.01.06PiCCAL162-0Strike at Karkand (16)  
06.01.06JAGCAL219-0Dalian Plant (16)  
06.01.06JAGATF606-19Dragon Valley (16)-Gulf of Oman (16)
04.01.06TiGEB2L590-0FuShe Pass (16)-Mashtuur City (16)
21.12.05Bf2FEB2L505-174Kubra Dam (16)-Dalian Plant (16)
20.12.05Dz0EuroCup201-233Mashtuur City (16)-Dalian Plant (16)
18.12.05Logitech.fiEuroCup86-349Songhua Stalemate (16)-Strike at Karkand (16)
14.12.05gmpoESL247-0Dragon Valley (16)  
13.12.05nDanesWT244-0Mashtuur City (16)  
11.12.05Code7WT0-179Gulf of Oman (16)  
11.12.05riZeCAL0-81Mashtuur City (16)  
06.12.05SW42ATF634-0Songhua Stalemate (16)-Sharqi Peninsula (16)
05.12.05mouzEuroCup155-327Gulf of Oman (16)-Zatar Wetlands (16)
04.12.05FFCAL109-10Gulf of Oman (16)-Gulf of Oman (16)
04.12.05VoodooWT91-0Dragon Valley (16)  
30.11.05GTEB2L580-0Strike at Karkand (16)-Songhua Stalemate (16)
27.11.05PRGKCAL168-103Dragon Valley (16)-Dragon Valley (16)
24.11.05enCoreWT40-9Kubra Dam (16)  
23.11.05TFVEB2L704-0Operation Clean Sweep (16)-Mashtuur City (16)
22.11.05IFATF620-6Kubra Dam (16)-Dalian Plant (16)
20.11.05WildaCAL0-96Kubra Dam (16)  
17.11.05sDEuroCup285-161Strike at Karkand (16)-Daqing Oilfields (16)
16.11.05HMCEB2L517-6FuShe Pass (16)-Dragon Valley (16)
15.11.05PIRATASClanbase581-0Daqing Oilfields (16)-Zatar Wetlands (16)
14.11.05OveRClanbase556-0Gulf of Oman (16)-Strike at Karkand (16)
13.11.05SLKEB2L560-20Zatar Wetlands (16)-Sharqi Peninsula (16)
08.11.05riZeClanbase290-261Sharqi Peninsula (16)-Gulf of Oman (16)
06.11.05SW42ATF611-64Daqing Oilfields (16)-Sharqi Peninsula (16)
03.11.05FTAClanbase421-92Daqing Oilfields (16)-Zatar Wetlands (16)
31.10.05x6tenceClanbase366-167Daqing Oilfields (16)-Strike at Karkand (16)
30.10.05x6tenceClanbase432-125Dalian Plant (16)-Sharqi Peninsula (16)
27.10.05H2ATF660-0Daqing Oilfields (16)-Sharqi Peninsula (16)
23.10.05LRRPClanbase539-0Dalian Plant (16)-FuShe Pass (16)
20.10.05KompanietClanbase23-525Sharqi Peninsula (16)-Dalian Plant (16)
15.10.05SoDWCG fr210-71Dragon Valley (16)  
15.10.05HostileWCG fr426-101Sharqi Peninsula (16)-Strike at Karkand (16)
09.10.05WildaClanbase37-456Dragon Valley (16)-Dalian Plant (16)
30.09.05BZHashWCG fr385-0Mashtuur City (16)  
29.09.05WildaEliott-Ness117-351Mashtuur City (16)-Zatar Wetlands (16)
28.09.05TiGEB2L271-0Sharqi Peninsula (16)  
25.09.05aGWCG fr224-33Dalian Plant (16)  
22.09.05XuffiXClanbase88-442Dragon Valley (16)-Daqing Oilfields (16)
21.09.05Bf2FEB2L127-120Operation Clean Sweep (16)  
18.09.05SLKEB2L358-0Mashtuur City (16)  
14.09.05PnTWCG fr390-0Zatar Wetlands (16)  
06.09.05ReBirthEliott-Ness497-25Strike at Karkand (16)-Songhua Stalemate (16)
01.09.05RFTNEB2L331-0Dalian Plant (16)  
14.08.05HostileWCG fr659-0Dalian Plant (16)-Strike at Karkand (16)
10.08.05tbEB2L268-0Kubra Dam (16)  
08.08.05BtDCWCG fr775-0Mashtuur City (16)-Zatar Wetlands (16)
07.08.05Team9SSV Cup80-152Zatar Wetlands (16)  
07.08.05gmpoSSV Cup209-139Sharqi Peninsula (16)  
06.08.05ZIONSSV Cup21-138Mashtuur City (16)  
06.08.05XuffiXSSV Cup43-175FuShe Pass (16)  
06.08.05BioxarSSV Cup255-18Dalian Plant (16)  
05.08.05WildaSSV Cup231-119Operation Clean Sweep (16)  
04.08.05WoAEliott-Ness517-186Kubra Dam (16)-Daqing Oilfields (16)
03.08.05ReBirthEB2L346-0Daqing Oilfields (16)  
02.08.05BegripTWL22-41Sharqi Peninsula (16)  
01.08.05CatchEliott-Ness664-0Zatar Wetlands (16)-Strike at Karkand (16)
31.07.05VETSEB2L288-0Strike at Karkand (16)  
28.07.05D32Eliott-Ness666-0Kubra Dam (16)-Mashtuur City (16)
27.07.05MaTriXEliott-Ness747-0Dragon Valley (16)-Gulf of Oman (16)
25.07.05enclaveClanbase457-0Mashtuur City (16)-Dalian Plant (16)
24.07.05g0Clanbase322-237Gulf of Oman (16)-Zatar Wetlands (16)
22.07.05KaSSEliott-Ness681-0Sharqi Peninsula (16)-Operation Clean Sweep (16)
21.07.05CoNClanbase584-0Daqing Oilfields (16)-Strike at Karkand (16)
20.07.05CCatClanbase611-0Sharqi Peninsula (16)-Gulf of Oman (16)
19.07.05wbClanbase654-0Mashtuur City (16)-Gulf of Oman (16)
18.07.05JFClanbase708-0Gulf of Oman (16)-Mashtuur City (16)
13.07.05SAMDClanbase105-407Sharqi Peninsula (16)-Gulf of Oman (16)
24.06.05SoDESL45-0Gulf of Oman (16)  
23.06.05BoulzorsESL119-0Gulf of Oman (16)  
22.06.05htSESL159-0Gulf of Oman (16)  
21.06.05HDAEB2L259-333Gulf of Oman (32)  
19.06.05BBESL237-0Gulf of Oman (16)  
17.06.05FRSESL240-0Gulf of Oman (16)  
17.06.05TFVEB2L333-265Gulf of Oman (32)  
16.06.05DRzEB2L513-479Gulf of Oman (32)  
15.06.05oS-GZESL277-0Gulf of Oman (16)  
95 (79%) victories, 24 (20%) defeats out of 119 wars